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Benchmark your crop inputs with 1300 other farmers

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£70 annual payment in M&S vouchers

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Your views drive positive change.
Join our FarmTrak panel today

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Monthly prize draw

Making good margins from arable farming requires careful planning and well informed decision-making on the inputs applied to each field.

Right now commodity prices are strong, but at the same time crop inputs have never been so expensive! By sharing data, our members gain valuable insights on how they are performing on the use of inputs compared to similar farms.

Your participation and feedback also helps drive continual investments in the industry, securing farmers’ futures via innovation, product enhancements and wider policy making.

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Join FarmTrak and enjoy the following benefits:


Membership of the UK’s largest arable research community


Annual FarmTrak Report

benchmark your farm crop inputs with similar farms


Fast & easy participation


£70 annual payment in M&S vouchers


Monthly prize draws to win great prizes


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